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How the Latex Mattress Nullifies Motion Transfer

no motion transfer mattress

A latex mattress is one of the best on the market for avoiding motion transfer problems. If you feel every move your sleeping partner makes during the night, a latex mattress may be for you.

Latex can minimize motion transfer in two ways. First, the cellular structure of latex foam naturally minimizes motion. Second, the mattress manufacturing process can further reduce motion transfer occurrence in latex foam.

The Cellular Structure of Latex

Latex is a unique bedding material that does not broadcast motion like many other mattresses. Most inner springs mattresses, for example, are made up of coils that are connected to one another, so movement on one part of the bed affects a wide range of coils. Air mattresses and waterbeds can have similar effects.

Latex foam, on the other hand, almost “pushes back” against the body of the sleeper. The material compresses comfortably under you as you sleep, but springs back into position immediately as you move with a natural resilience. This ability to expand and contract at the contact point means that the impact of motion is absorbed and dampened near the points of contact between your body and the mattress, rather than rippling across the bed to affect your partner.

The result is a comfortable, responsive mattress that reacts to your every move without disturbing your sleeping partner (and vice versa).

Mattress Manufacturing for Partner Sleepers

If you sleep with someone else in the same bed, you might each have very different opinions on what makes the best mattress. What helps one person sleep well might be very uncomfortable for someone else.

Latex mattress construction is very flexible, providing you and your partner plenty of options to help you both get your best night’s sleep. Latex mattress layers can be sold in half sizes, so that you and your partner can each design a sleep surface that’s best for you and then place those two individualized mattress halves together within the same cover.

Having two separate mattress “halves” can further minimize motion transfer, since the part of the bed you sleep on and the part of the bed your partner sleeps on are physically separate. If you want to meet in the middle, however, the two halves are held firmly together by the outer cover and latex naturally “grips” other latex layers it touches. The result is a bed that is as comfortable in the middle as it is on each custom-made side.

Motion Transfer and You

If you find yourself waking up when your partner tosses and turns, or if you tend to disturb your partner by moving around in bed at night, a latex mattress may make the difference for you.

Many latex mattresses are made up of a single piece, rather than side-by-side customized construction. Even one-piece latex mattresses can dampen motion transfer better than other materials. If, however, you feel the need to really minimize motion sensitivity, try a customized latex mattress.

Do you have problems with motion transfer in your mattress? Have you tried sleeping on a latex mattress?

Author Bio: +Michelle Gordon is a sleep expert who researches and writes about sleep and health, and is an online publisher for the latex mattress specialist

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